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A product discovery workshop to transform your idea into the exact profit-making software product.

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The most breakthrough ideas can be crushed on these rocks

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Sounds like your pain?

Get rid of uncertainty with Axactly!

— about axactly

Axactly is a 4-6 week product discovery workshop
conducted by our Product Analyst, UX/UI Designer,
and Solution Architect to transform your product
idea into the exact profit-making software solution.

— gains

Why do you need Axactly?

Visualize the idea

Get a clear vision of the future product with a defined features list.

Estimate the project

Get clear and realistic estimates to meet the project deadline.

Prioritize the tasks

Set up the project timeline and backlog to organize the development process.

Settle the budget

Build the right product within the right budget and predictable costs.

Build the prototype

Build a clickable prototype to see how the product will work.


Discover your product's potential with Axactly. Start now and accelerate growth.

— Core audience

Axactly can help if you are


Startup seeking to organize stakeholders’ ideas and create a concise development and budget plan that aligns with business objectives and delivers a valuable solution to end users.

Midsize company

Midsize company requiring assistance in transitioning from contemplating a product concept to actualizing a viable solution.

— our Approach

How does it work

Axactly outlines the product discovery process broken down into 4 phases to produce a high-fidelity prototype tested with real users, a user navigation map, and ready-to-use software requirements.

Product Analyst, UX/UI Analyst, and Solution Architect will collect and analyze information about your product idea and then devise a technical solution applying the world’s best practices.
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— Step-by-Step

Product discovery process

Phase 1: Discover

This is a phase where we dive deep into the product you want to build or the challenge you want to solve.

  • Stakeholders interviews
  • Expert interviews
  • Competitors research
  • Plan the scope of features
  • User core jobs and tasks


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Phase 2: Devise

This phase is all about pure ideating and devising the right set of features that best meet business and user needs.

  • Lightning demos - group sessions where the team gathered ideas and inspirations
  • Sketching - graphical representations of the idea
  • Prototyping - creating the clickable prototype itself


Phase 3: Refine

This phase is all about making improvements based on stakeholders’ and end-users’ feedback.

  • Look for bottlenecks
  • Risk analysis
  • Stakeholders feedback improvements


Phase 4: Synthesize

This step is about putting it all together and documenting everything we have accomplished. User navigation map, product prototype, and preparing documentation for the developers

  • Use cases description
  • Documentation
  • Finalization of development and budget plan


— value for you

What will you get?


Clickable prototype

A representation of the digital interface and its critical features. Coupled with an SRS, it provides a clear understanding of how the project will work and feel once it is finished.


User navigation map

A representation of how the user navigates through your product with the detailed route instructions.


Software requirements specification

A detailed description of the project, its goals, features, suggested technology stack, and architecture overview.


Development and budget plan

You will get a suggested team lineup, timeline, and budget forecast for each module of the product.

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Clickable prototype

A representation of the digital interface and its critical features. Coupled with an SRS, it provides a clear understanding of how the project will work and feel once it is finished.

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User navigation map

A representation of how the user navigates through your product.

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Software requirements specification

A detailed description of the project, its goals, features, suggested technology stack, and architecture overview. Example of feature: sign up using my email and password.

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Development and budget plan

You will get a suggested team lineup, timeline, and budget forecast for each module.

— team

Axactly Specialists

These specialists will help to transform your idea into a profit-making software product.

Product Analyst

  • Analyzes your idea and brainstorms it with you and your team
  • Creates the detailed project structure
  • Describes the product features in detail
  • Defines the scope of work with a description of each page

UX/UI Analyst

  • Creates a clickable prototype and preliminary wireframes
  • Performs user research and competition analysis
  • Makes sure that your product will be user-centred and easy-to-use

Solution Architect

  • Сares about technical operability of the product
  • Plan interactions between modules and third-party integrations
  • Defines the most suitable architecture for the solution
  • Decides on the technology stack

Let’s Start!

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