Project Estimator

The project estimator is your direct path to pricing your software solution.
Answer 10 key questions crafted by our experts — business analysts, project managers, and software engineers — and get precise estimations for your future software solution.
Stop guessing and start planning with confidence. Turn your vision into reality!

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Project Estimate Cost Calculator

Imagine everyone has a rough idea that a car can cost between 5,000 euros and 1,000,000 euros. But without better knowledge of the intended use, other requirements or wishes, it is impossible to say whether a truck or a sports car with leather seats is the best solution. The same principle applies to software development.

When you plan to build a new software solution, development cost is one of the most crucial things to consider. Usually you need to contact a development team which estimates the effort involved in development in order to determine the cost of the software.

The Axon team is happy to introduce a tool that can significantly simplify your software budget planning! Our free project cost estimator is quite simple: you just need to answer several leading questions and that’s all. We calculate project cost for you!

How Does Project Estimate Calculator Work?

This free project cost estimator has up to 13 choice questions. You answer them - and get an approximate sum of software development. The costs are made up of the hourly rate and the time required.

The precise answers about the software type and its functionality make it possible to understand exactly its budget. With the project cost calculator, you have a budget estimation for your software.

What Does a Project Estimator Do?

As the development of software is a new and unique project for many of our customers, there is often little or no experience in formulating the requirements. We therefore have different methods to collect the desired features in a very structured way and thus reduce the risk of forgetting something important.

We have gathered some common functionalities, such as platform type, user authentication methods, payment systems, etc. to help you understand what your solution will look like and how much its development may cost.

How Axon Can Help Your Business?

As digitalization goes ahead, software development and individual applications are becoming increasingly important for all areas of our daily lives. 

Axon is a software development company building software solutions for many industries, including real estate, insurance, advertising, entertainment, and many others. We know how to build software fast and effectively. 

Would you like to know how your idea becomes a finished app? With us you get everything from a single source: from concept and design to publication and long-term support.

When we know the exact project requirements, the UX UI team designs the user interface, the architecture design determines the structure of the software, the implementation develops the software, quality assurance checks the functionality, the deployment provides the software and maintenance includes support of the software.

You can see that software development consists of many different phases, all of which are included in the total price. 

If you describe your idea precisely and prioritize the requirements correctly, we can calculate project cost based on our experience. We break down all tasks and requirements into as small steps as possible. 


What Is Project Cost Estimation?

If you want to have custom software developed, such as web applications or apps, one of the first questions is how much the project actually costs. Project cost estimation is a thorough planning of the budget for your particular case of software development.

Therefore, our project estimation tool first asks a few very rough questions that are easy to answer. Some of the questions of the project estimate calculator are, for example, what the software is created for, what platform type is needed, whether it needs to interact with other systems, how many and what type of users should work with it, whether payment methods ​​should be supported, and so on.

Types of Project Costs

Types of project costs depend on the type of software project you want to build.
In our survey, we ask about the industry you work in, desired platform (for example, clickable prototype or Minimum Viable Product), type of the platform (for example, web app, iOS or Android app, cross-platform app), and some other information. These factors impact the final price the project estimate calculator provides.

Why Is Project Cost Estimation Important?

How much does it cost to develop software? – This is a question that is repeatedly asked by various decision-makers in medium-sized and large companies, as well as entrepreneurs and founders of startups. Anyone who has never accompanied or carried out a software project quickly reaches their limits. In addition to the specialist knowledge and technical language that is needed in software development in order to have a say, software is abstract, complex, modular and intangible.

It is precisely the complexity of software and its abstract nature that makes it very difficult for someone outside the industry to even begin to carry out cost or budget planning. Professional help is needed.

When you have the approximate budget for your project, you can understand the functionality of your future solution, separate must-have features from nice-to-have ones, and plan the development carefully.

What Factors Influence Cost Estimates?

In order to arrive at a price estimate, software developers have to estimate the effort involved. This involves estimating how long each part of the software development will take. The result is multiplied by the hourly rate and gives the costs.

In order to better understand how the effort of software development is made up, the software development process must be taken into account. The development of software always takes place in different phases, regardless of the exact process model.

Who Performs Project Cost Estimation?

Our project estimation tool is designed to automate the whole calculation process. You just answer the questions in the quiz and get the approximate sum of your future software development.

If you want to get a detailed budget breakdown for your project from the Axon’s team, you can always contact us and get a thorough consultation.

How Can Businesses Choose Tools and Software for Estimating Costs?

Take into account that project cost calculators offer only approximate numbers which depend on numerous factors, primarily on the hourly rates of the software development companies. So, when you choose a project estimation tool, you choose the company which provides this tool.

The precise description of your project has a significant impact on the cost of the software. If you answer the questions properly, appropriate estimates can be made and the price can be determined. The precise project description creates the basis for a realistic assessment and a fair price.