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How to Implement SAML SSO: A Complete Guide for Secure Access

 min read
March 19, 2025
 min read
March 19, 2025
How to Implement SAML SSO: A Complete Guide for Secure Access
 min read
March 19, 2025


Modern businesses use multiple B2B software applications to support day-to-day operations, such as HR management, customer relationships, inventory, task tracking, project management, billing, content editing, and others. Some people in a company may need access to most resources, others – only to some of them. Either way, all of this requires rigid user control and management. To facilitate enterprise user management and enhance system security, businesses rely on SSO (single sign-on) with underlying SAML protocol.

In his article, Axon engineers discuss the practical considerations of SAML single sign-on implementation for B2B software solutions on their way to streamlining corporate user access to their services and staying compliant with enterprise security requirements.

What is SAML and Why is it Important?

SAML is Security Assertion Markup Language which is an XML-based open standard for digital identity authentication. It is a data exchange protocol describing interactions between three parties: the end user (browser), Service Provider (SP), and Identity Provider (IdP).

The Identity Provider is the party that stores and manages the user’s identity data (e.g. name, email, and other attributes) and can validate the user’s identity through authentication mechanisms. To make things work, the identity provider must support SAML. Such IdPs include but are not limited to Microsoft Entra ID, Google Workspace, Okta, OneLogin, Keycloak, etc. Usually, businesses that already use other B2B applications with enterprise SSO, have a preferred identity provider supporting SAML. Otherwise, it's important to make sure the identity provider of choice will support SAML.

The Service Provider is the party that the user needs access to for services or resources (in this case – your B2B product. When the user attempts to log in with an SP using the SSO method (single sign-on), the SP relies on SAML to ask the IdP to validate the user’s identity and not be responsible for storing and managing any user’s identity information.

Thus, the SAML authentication workflow typically follows several key steps:

  1. The end user needs access to protected services or resources provided by the SP, so they ask the SP to log them in.
  2. The SP sends a SAML request to the IdP, and the user gets redirected to the IdP page or window.
  3. The user passes the authentication procedure (enters their credentials) on the IdP’s side and when it is successful, the IdP generates a SAML assertion – the digital document that proves the user’s identity is authentic as well as provides other relevant attributes such as the user’s role and access level – and sends it to the SP.
  4. The SP validates the SAML assertion and grants the corresponding access to the user.

SAML SSO implementation is particularly important in enterprise environments as it enables highly secure SSO, based on digital signature with public-key cryptography, assertion encryption, one-time use assertions, federated identity, and other security features. This enables strict session and access management, which is particularly useful in regulated environments.

In our blog article “SAML Authentication and SSO Explained,” you can find out more details on what SAML authentication is, its main components, how it works, which security mechanisms it employs, and other basic information about this protocol.

How to Implement SAML Authentication: Step-by-Step Guide

In this section, we explain in more detail how to implement SSO using SAML to make your solution easily accessible to enterprise users and what aspects should be taken into account during this process. 

STEP 1: Initial App Configuration as an SP

Install a SAML Library

Start with installing a suitable SAML library (e.g., python-saml, OpenSAML, Sustainsys.Saml2, this will depend on your tech stack) into your application's codebase as a dependency using your application's package manager. This code will handle the generation of SAML requests, the processing of SAML responses, and the validation of SAML assertions. It will also define the logic for the retrieval of IdP’s metadata (fetching it from a URL, reading an XML file, or manual configuration) and the provision of your application’s metadata to the IdP.

Create Your Application’s Metadata

Depending on the supported configuration methods of your SAML library, you will create your SP metadata in configuration files (JSON, XML, YAML, etc.) or set environment variables. The necessary SP metadata includes such information as Entity ID, Assertion Consumer Service (ASC) Endpoints, NameID Formats, Certificates, and Single Logout (SLO) Endpoints.

  • Your Entity ID is your application’s unique identifier. It should be a globally unique URI. Commonly, applications use a URL that represents their domain or a specific path within it, for example, or
  • The ACS URL is the endpoint where the IdP will send the authentication response. It can be defined based on your application's routing and logic. Typically, it's a URL within your application specifically designed to handle SAML responses, commonly ending with "/acs", or "/auth", e.g.:,

Note: Ensure that the Entity ID and ACS URL are consistent across your application's configuration and, later, in the IdP's configuration. To protect sensitive data, always use HTTPS for the ACS URL and any other SAML-related communication to protect sensitive data.

  • The NameID Formats are the formats your application supports for the NameID attribute, i.e. how it identifies users (e.g. by email address, a temporary identifier, etc.). Many libraries include a default set of NameID formats, such as urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:emailAddress or urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:unspecified. If your application requires specific NameID formats you will have to configure them manually. 
  • Certificates (X.509 certificates) are electronic documents that contain your application’s public key the IdP will use to verify your SAML requests. To generate a Certificate for your public key distribution, you will first need to have your private key (signing key), which can be obtained using tools like OpenSSL. Here, you can find detailed instructions on certificate generation. The private key must be stored securely in secret.

Note: SAML-based message exchange between the Service Provider and Identity Provider relies on cryptographic keys. When any of the parties issues a message (an SP issues a SAML request or IdP issues a SAML assertion), it has to digitally sign the message to ensure its authenticity and integrity. For this, a party uses its private key only known to it. Then, to verify this message, the receiving party uses the sending party’s public key – the key distributed in the X.509 certificate. If the key gets verified, the recipient party confirms that the message was not altered in transit and can be trusted.

There are two types of cryptographic keys: signing keys and encryption keys.

The role of signing keys is to ensure the authenticity and integrity of SAML messages enabling public-key cryptography. For example, when the IdP issues a SAML assertion, it signs it using a private key, which is owned and only known by the IdP. Then, the SP verifies it using this IdP’s public key (from metadata). If the signature gets verified, the SP confirms that the assertion was not altered in transit and can be trusted.

The role of encryption keys is to protect the confidentiality of data that the IdP shares with SP in the SAML authentication process. This time, the SAML assertion is encrypted by the IdP using the SP’s public key and the SP can decrypt it using its private key. This ensures that the assertion data can only be read by an authorized party.

  • SLO Endpoints are the URLs you will need to provide if you also want to implement the Single Logout feature, so they are optional. The SLO endpoints are defined by your app’s logout logic, but the SAML library can provide configuration options to specify the SLO endpoints and binding types. An example of an SLO Endpoint URL is

Generate Metadata File

Having the above SP metadata, you can generate an XML SP metadata file to provide to the identity provider. Most SAML libraries include functionality to generate the Service Provider metadata file.

Here’s what a Metadata File from SP can look like:

<EntityDescriptor entityID="" xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:metadata">
    <SPSSODescriptor protocolSupportEnumeration="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:protocol">
        <KeyDescriptor use="signing">
        <AssertionConsumerService Binding="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-POST"
            Location="" index="1"/>

Step 2: IdP Configuration

This step ensures your service (SP) can implement SAML authentication with the identity provider your clients (want to) use. There are a number of services that can function as Identity Providers and support SAML: ADFS, Okta, Shibboleth, OpenAM, Efecte, Ping Federate, and others. However, each solution will have a different configuration process and setup. Because of this, it's important to determine and understand the specific IdP’s characteristics and the integration process it enforces.  

Thus, what you will need to do on the identity provider’s side to integrate your application with it include:

Application Registration

Register your application with the identity provider to create a trust relationship between the two services so that the IdP “recognizes” your app’s requests and “knows” where to send its messages. 

SAML Configurations for SP

Choose the needed authentication protocol (SAML 2.0, in our case) and import the SP metadata file you’ve generated or manually enter your app’s metadata like Entity ID, Assertion Consumer Service (ACS) URL, and other info.

Get IdP’s Metadata 

Obtain IdP's metadata file containing such identity provider’s info as Entity ID, Single Sign-On (SSO) URL, and IdP's public certificate (key). 

  • IdP’s Entity ID is the identity provider’s unique identifier, similar to the one your application has. It's a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that distinguishes the IdP from other entities in the SAML ecosystem and helps your service verify that the SAML assertion comes from the correct and trusted source.
  • SSO URL is the endpoint where your app will send the SAML authentication requests. You will redirect users to this URL when they initiate the SAML login process.
  • IdP’s certificate is the digital document that contains the IdP's public key. It establishes trust between your SP and the IdP, allowing your service to validate the SAML assertion’s authenticity and make sure it hasn't been tampered with.

Important: Make sure your Entity ID and ACS URL are consistent across your application's configuration and the IdP's configuration and that your application's routing is configured to correctly handle requests to the ACS URL. Always use HTTPS for SAML-related communication, including the ACS URL.

Attribute Mapping

Find out the attribute names in the IdP and what the corresponding attributes in your application's user model are. Indicate the specific permissions or scopes of user data that should be made accessible to your service. This way, you’ll ensure that your application receives the correct user information, including name, email, and roles, and can properly identify and authorize users.

Certificate Management

Exchange certificates (public keys) between your application and the IdP for signing and verifying authentication requests and responses from each other. Securely store the IdP's certificate, which will be used to validate SAML Assertions. If your application signs the SAML AuthnRequests, make sure you store your private key and certificate securely.

Step 3: Final SP Configuration

Once you have shared your application’s metadata with the identity provider and have obtained the IdP’s metadata, you can finalize your app’s configuration as a service provider. 

You will also have to write the code that integrates the SAML library, maps attributes, manages sessions, handles errors, and reads configuration data. 

The core SAML logic is the "engine" that drives the SAML authentication process. It's the code that understands the SAML protocol and handles the communication between your application and the IdP. While configuration settings (like Entity IDs, URLs, and certificates) can be externalized, the actual work of generating, parsing, and validating SAML messages is performed by the code.

Configure IdP’s Metadata in your App

Finish establishing the trust relationships with the IdP by importing the identity provider’s metadata: the Entity ID, SSO URL, and IdP’s certificate. Use environment variables to store sensitive configuration settings, such as certificates and secrets. Meanwhile, to store application-specific settings, you can use configuration files, storing them securely.

Handle SP-initiated SSO

Implement the mechanism of redirecting users to the IdP's SSO URL when they attempt to access your application using the IdP’s metadata. Make sure your ACS URL is routable to your SAML processing code. Don't forget to use HTTPS for the ACS URL to protect sensitive data.

Generate and Send SAML Authentication Requests

The redirected user will be accompanied by a SAML request. Use the SAML library to form an XML SAML Authentication Request, setting the necessary parameters like the Issuer, Destination (IdP's SSO URL), and ACS URL. Here you also instruct the app to digitally sign the request using the app’s private key.

Implement the Logic to Process SAML assertions.

Receive and validate SAML assertions from the IdP at the ACS URL. Your application's routing must be configured to direct incoming POST requests to the specific code that processes SAML Assertions for parsing, validating, and creating user sessions. Based on the IdP’s public certificate, you can verify the digital signature of the assertion. Also, at this point, your app verifies that the assertion was issued by the trusted IdP and that this happened within the valid time frame (NotBefore, NotOnOrAfter).

Attribute Handling

The SAML library will parse the XML of the SAML Assertion, extracting the various elements and attributes. Use the attribute names and formats provided by the IdP, mapping them to your user model.

Error Handling:

Handle SAML errors and application-specific errors during the validation process, such as invalid signatures, expired assertions, or missing attributes. Here you can find some common SAML errors and their troubleshooting.

Session management

Create a user session in your application, including storing session data in a cookie, database, or other session store. For the next requests, implement session validation so you can check the user's session to ensure they're authenticated. Session validation will handle user logout and can initiate Single Logout (SLO) with the IdP.

Step 4: Test the Single Sign-On Connection

Thoroughly test and validate your SAML setup to ensure a frictionless integration with the customer's IdP, paying close attention to the idiosyncrasies that might affect the authentication flow. End-to-end testing of the login process is also required.

Login Testing

To test the login process, you need to simulate the user interaction with your application. Go to your (service provider's) login page and try starting the login with SSO. You should be directed to the IdP's interface, where you enter your username and password. After receiving authentication, the program must redirect you back to the application with an approved login. When you confirm the SAML implementation functions properly in the testing environment, you can repeat the same steps for testing on a live setup.

End-to-End Testing

Simulate various user scenarios to ensure the integration works as expected. Test the entire SAML flow from your application's login page to successful user access, with users that have different roles, and group memberships. Make sure you verify correct attributes (e.g., NameID, email, roles) mapping and the data is accurate so your app receives the right information. Don’t forget to test the logout functionality both on your application and the IdP if it’s implemented too. 

Error Handling

In addition to testing how your SAML implementation should work, it’s also important to check whether it does something it shouldn’t. Test different error scenarios, such as invalid SAML Assertions, incorrect certificates, or network issues. Verify that your application handles these errors gracefully and provides informative error messages.

Security Audit

This is a very important step of your SAML authentication testing and includes several must-dos:

  • Certificate Validation: ensure certificates, and especially private keys, are stored and managed securely and that your application is correctly validating the IdP's certificate.
  • Assertion Validation: your application should properly validate all input received from the IdP to prevent security vulnerabilities, paying special attention to the SAML Assertion's signature, issuer, and time constraints and that it’s not tampered with.
  • Access Control: confirm that user access is controlled based on the attributes received from the IdP. Also, run tests to see if unauthorized users can access your application.
  • HTTPS: all communication between your application and the IdP must run over HTTPS, especially for the ACS URL and logout URL.

Step 5: Set up Maintenance and Support

This step helps you make sure that your IT team will be able to track down any malfunctions, understand their cause, and fix them promptly. 

Monitoring and Logging

To keep track of authentication failures and other anomalies, it is recommended to use monitoring tools. They track authentication events and errors, enabling detailed logging for your SAML integration. It’s also important to store audit logs of authentication events for security and compliance. In case of critical issues they will notify your IT team with alerts, helping you troubleshoot issues.


First and foremost, document what attributes your application needs, and what the names of those attributes should be. For the client use, create a comprehensive integration guide detailing the steps required to configure their IdP with your application with screenshots for better visualization. A troubleshooting guide addressing common issues and providing solutions, with error codes and their meanings, will also be handy.


Keeping all of the product components up-to-date helps ensure it works smoothly but more importantly, this makes sure it continues to stay secure. Thus, keep your SAML libraries updated to the latest secure versions. Also, follow the IdP’s updates carefully and ensure that your application remains compatible. Finally, monitor certificate expiration dates and ensure that certificates are renewed before they expire.

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Step 6: Integrate a User Interface (UI)

Here we also include some most critical aspects of the UI design that should be taken into account when describing how to implement SAML SSO.

  • Login Button/Link: add a login button or link to your application's login page that will initiate the SAML authentication flow.
  • User Feedback: provide clear feedback to the user during the authentication process so they understand the progress. Don’t forget about displaying error messages if authentication fails.
  • Logout Functionality: if you implement this feature, add a logout button, that starts the logout process.

Admin Panel: for your client’s convenience, you can provide an admin panel for their IT to enter the IdP metadata.

Step 7: Onboard the Client

Conduct a knowledge-sharing session (or several) to communicate the integration process and any required configuration to your client(s) and to ensure they understand it. You can offer assistance with the initial configuration and testing of the integration. For enhanced service quality, establish a process for providing ongoing support to clients using the SAML integration with your product. Personalized, clear, and timely support is the best practice for maintaining good business relationships, no matter how good or unique your software is.

Apart from SAML, SSO can be also implemented based on other protocols, for example, OAuth 2.0. On our blog, you can find the guide on how to implement SSO with OAuth.

Common Challenges in SAML Implementation

Despite the fact that SAML authentication is designed with best security practices in mind and is time-tested by multiple organizations, you can still bump into certain challenges. For example, if poorly implemented, the system can return unexpected errors or have critical security vulnerabilities that malicious actors can exploit. In this section, we describe why these common challenges in SAML implementation happen and how to mitigate them.

Software Vulnerabilities

This is the most dangerous kind of challenges that need immediate attention, so we will start with them. The most critical issues include replay attacks, assertion manipulation, external file inclusion attacks (XXE), and attacks exploiting attribute validation errors.

Replay Attacks

A replay attack occurs when valid SAML messages are intercepted and reused by an attacker to gain unauthorized access. This type of attack is possible if the system does not implement timestamps or single-use tokens to prevent the reuse of SAML messages.

The SAML assertion lifespan can be configured in the IdP parameters in the saml:Conditions tag via the NotBefore and NotOnOrAfter attributes we mentioned above. Normally, it should be valid for approximately one minute, which is enough for it to be generated and sent to the SP. Also, with a correct configuration, the assertion will no longer be valid after its first use, which limits the risks of replayability. But if its lifespan is set to 30 days or does not get invalidated after use, this could allow a valid assertion to be replayed and the account to be accessed by an unauthorized agent.

To protect against replay attacks, you should use tokens with a limited lifespan: SAML assertions must include timestamps and very short validity periods. Also, assertions must be invalidated as soon as they are used.

Assertion manipulation (in the absence of a signature)

In case of the digital signature absence, the SP cannot verify the SAML assertion’s integrity and authenticity. And when this happens, attackers get the opportunity to manipulate the assertions and modify their attributes, such as roles or privileges.

If all the options for validating assertions have been disabled in the SP configurations, the SP will not verify the assertion for encryption and signature. If the signing of assertions is disabled on IdP's side, the generated SAML assertion will be unencrypted, putting the transmitted data at risk of exposure and modification. Thus, an attacker can then intercept such a SAML request, add a ‘role’ attribute with the value ‘create-client’, and modify the assertion sent to the server by adding a new role. Once authenticated, the ‘create-client’ role will be added to the account on the service provider, giving it more privileged access to the service.

To prevent assertion manipulation, all SAML assertions must be digitally signed by the IdP. Assertion encryption will guarantee the information comes directly from the identity provider and hasn't been manipulated in transit. Therefore, it is a good practice for Service Providers (SPs) to systematically check assertions for digital signatures.

XXE (XML External Entity)

During XXE (XML External Entity) attacks, hackers can get unauthorized access to the SP’s server by injecting malicious XML code into a SAML assertion.

This attack exploits vulnerabilities caused by parsers processing the XML documents configured to process external entities. External entities allow content loading from an external resource (e.g. a local file or a remote URL). An attacker can inject malicious XML code that defines an external entity pointing to a resource they want to access (e.g. local sensitive configuration files or password files on the server, internal services that are not accessible from the outside). Thus, they will be able to view sensitive files on the server, make network requests from the server, and execute remote commands on the remote server.

To avoid XXE vulnerability in SAML implementations, you need to make sure your XML parser won’t process external entities. For this, you can:

  • Disable Document Type Definition (DTD) processing, where external entities are often defined.
  • Implement strict input validation so that data in the assertion (email addresses, usernames, etc.) are in the correct format and within acceptable ranges and that the assertions adhere to the expected XML schema and structure.
  • Use patched and up-to-date XML parsing libraries. 
  • Run the Service provider software based on the least privilege principle.

Email forwarding attack

This attack is particularly harmful in a multi-tenant environment when the service provider has poorly implemented digital signature validation and attribute validation of SAML assertions. This allows an attacker from a different tenant than the SP to modify the assertion in a way that will give them access to the SP’s resources under its existing user’s account.

A SAML assertion contains such attributes as user’s email, first and last name, role, etc. Normally, the SP should validate the IdP’s signature on it, parse it, and check the indicated data against its database. If the matching user record is found, the user gets logged in. 

To perform the intrusion, an attacker on a different tenant crafts or reuses own SAML assertion, changing the email address in it to an address of a valid user of the SP’s application. If the SP is vulnerable and does not validate the digital signature on the assertion properly and also does not validate the tenant attribute, it accepts this assertion as genuine, parses it, and takes the attacker’s data as matching the database records.

Thus, digital signature validation of SAML assertion is key in preventing email forwarding attacks as this guarantees that the assertion hasn’t been tampered with in any way. Tenant separation controls in multi-tenant cloud environments and adequate attribute validation on the SP’s side will add an extra layer of security.

Vulnerability What happens? Why it happens? How to mitigate?
Replay attack An attacker intercepts and reuses SAML messages. Too extensive SAML assertion lifespan, missing invalidation after use. Use tokens with a limited lifespan, invalidate assertions after use.
Assertion manipulation An attacker can modify attributes in a SAML message. Missing digital signature in the SAML message. Include digital signature in SAML messages.
XML External Entity (XXE) An attacker gets access to SP’s server. XML parser configured to process external entities. Disable DTD processing, strict input validation.
Email forwarding attack An attacker can log in under a valid user’s account. Poor tenant separation, improper digital signature and attribute validation. Implement adequate digital signature and attribute validation by SP.

Implementation Issues

The SAML specification is designed to be flexible and cover a range of possible cases. But another side of this is that no two service providers will implement it the same way. Thus, too many possible implementation options may lead to issues that are hard to predict and fix. Let’s discuss some.

XML-Related Issues

Since SAML is XML-based, it comes with XML-related challenges. Apart from the nuances of XML mentioned in the previous paragraph, it’s important to keep in mind that it’s inherently verbose to provide flexibility. In the absence of adequate expertise, this can bring about:

  • Implementation errors and hard-to-detect vulnerabilities in the complex SAML messages.
  • Parsing and validation issues that cause authentication failures due to the lack of consistency and the presence of edge cases which some parsers and libraries cannot handle.
  • Improper object ordering and arrangement of nested entities (tags) within the SAML document which provides opportunities for XML signature wrapping attacks. 
  • Attribute and identifier name or format mismatches between the SP and IdP leading to incorrect user information or authentication failures.
  • Need for resource-intensive processing causing performance degradation.

Application Design

Even though software development follows specific rules, standards, and principles, every application design and inner workflow is unique. What should be taken into account during SAML 2.0 implementation as well:

  • UI/UX design: SAML SSO implementation may vary from simple sign-in links to complex domain-based and custom URL redirections, the flow must remain intuitive and clear for users. 
  • Attribute handling: some IdPs may not provide user identification attributes clearly (e.g. Microsoft’s Active Directory provides an opaque string instead of an email address). In such cases, the SP application data structure should account for different authentication scenarios and non-standard attributes in SAML assertion and consider alternative user identification methods.
  • Application architecture should be able to handle possible SAML errors, providing adequate feedback to users and logging authentication events for further troubleshooting.

Onboarding and Offboarding

SAML does not provide rigid specifications for data parameter names and certificate handling. Thus, the implementation for every new client requires plenty of manual configuration, communication, and testing to make sure all configurations are matching for SP and IdP. This can be time-consuming and costly. At the same time, the automation approach can be even less efficient, creating a bottleneck for scaling. 

What is more, the offboarding scenario does not look much simpler, when all configurations and certificates have to be cleared manually as well. Plus, there remain questions as to the handling of the offboarded user account, data, and sessions. 

Session Management

The main point of SAML is to provide the mechanism for initial user authentication, however, it does not provide the approach to session handling: how to verify if the user session is active? This is critical for B2B applications as enterprise users need to access their applications every day and session lifetime must not impact user experience. Meanwhile, strict enterprise security requirements demand a short session lifetime. 

When it comes to SAML authentication on mobile devices, additional complexities like intermittent connectivity, device security, and platform-specific session management mechanisms come into play. All of this requires service providers to be flexible and adaptable for every new implementation.

Best Practices for a Secure SAML Implementation

Having considered the common challenges of SAML implementations, here are some best practices for implementing SAML 2.0 that we recommend adopting:

  • Use secure, up-to-date libraries: Leverage secure and up-to-date XML libraries to prevent vulnerabilities like XML External Entity (XXE) attacks.
  • Handle  XML-signed certificates: Make sure SP and IdP establish trust relationships by exchanging their public certificates and thus can verify each other’s signatures. As they have expiration dates, they should be renewed regularly.
  • Signature verification: Validate digital signatures with the public certificate provided in the metadata, not the KeyInfo within the document. Ensure all Assertions and/or the entire Response element are signed using strong algorithms, like SHA-256. Never use self-signed certificates.
  • Assertion encryption: The message should be signed by the authorized Identity Provider. Check IdP's metadata certificates for validity and revocation and make sure the identity provider encrypts the SAML Assertion. 
  • Use canonicalized XML and validate schemas: Eliminate variations in data representation in the XML documents and ensure SAML messages validation against XML schemas to prevent XML signature wrapping attacks and XML-related vulnerabilities. 
  • Limit XML parser: Disable external entity processing and DTD processing, and limit their resource consumption to avoid such vulnerabilities like XXE and other attacks.
  • Validate attributes: Verify the Recipient attribute to ensure your product is the intended audience. Validate the email attributes contained in SAML assertions to ensure that they belong to the correct tenant.
  • XPath expressions: Use absolute XPath expressions for element selection to avoid confusion or manipulation.
  • Secure transport: Exchange assertions exclusively over HTTPS. In sensitive sectors like healthcare or finance, consider supporting encrypted assertions.
  • Use TLS: all communication between the user's browser (or any client) and the Service Provider (SP) should be encrypted using the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol TLS v1.2.
  • Request configuration: Use a unique RequestID for each AuthnRequest and match it with the “InResponseTo” in the SAML Response to prevent CSRF attacks. Also, it is recommended to disable IdP-initiated SSO which hinders the authentication context verification for the SP.
  • Message expiry: Make sure the NotBefore and NotOnOrAfter attributes do not extend the acceptable SAML message lifespan. To prevent replay attacks, SAML assertions must include time-limited tokens and precise timestamps which the SP has to rigorously check and reject any assertion outside the validity window.
  • Tenant segmentation: implement strict separation controls between tenants to avoid any confusion or misunderstanding about identities and make sure each tenant has its own identity management space, with no possible interference with the others. Assigning specific domains for each tenant and checking that email addresses belong to the assigned domain is a recommended practice.
  • Enable logging: Implementing logging to track authentication attempts, failures, and other security issues helps with auditing and compliance.
  • Implement single logout: With Single Logout (SLO), users will be logged out of all applications, even on other devices, once they log out of one application in the system.
  • Multifactor authentication (MFA): This creates multi-layered security. By combining several authentication methods, such as passwords, hardware tokens, and biometric verification, IdPs can enhance the security of user identities. This reduces the risk of credentials being compromised and strengthens protection against unauthorized access.


SAML implementation enables secure SSO for enterprises but, at the same time, requires careful planning and execution. It involves careful metadata exchange, strict certificate management, and accurate attribute mapping between the Service Provider (SP) and Identity Provider (IdP). Thus, the initial configuration is iterative, and requires communication with the client.

Thorough testing and error handling during the SAML implementation help ensure a smooth user experience and security. Security measures must include secure storage of private keys and certificates and protection against malicious attacks like replay and man-in-the-middle. 

Interoperability challenges between different IdP and SP vendors also pose a problem and reflect the need for careful configuration and testing. Client onboarding requires clear documentation and dedicated support. 

In the end, a successful SAML integration enhances security and streamlines user access, but it demands attention to detail and ongoing maintenance. Well-maintained and trusted SAML libraries will simplify the process, but cannot eliminate the need for careful configuration.


Can SAML be used with Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)?

Yes, you can implement SAML with Multi-Factor Authentication. In fact, using SAML SSO in combination with MFA will enhance security by adding an extra layer to it. This way, your users will keep enjoying a simple and convenient login but with some extra protection.

Can SAML be integrated with cloud-based applications?

Yes, SAML integrates with cloud-based applications. Moreover, it is one of the most popular authentication standards that can be used for such purposes. Therefore, major cloud applications and identity providers, including Office 365, Google Workspace, Salesforce, Dropbox, SAP, Jira, and others support SAML-based SSO.

What is the role of SAML metadata in integration?

SAML metadata is key for the integration between the service provider and the identity provider as it contains the most important information about the integration participants: their unique identifiers, message exchange endpoints, and certificates which verify the SAML request ans assertion authenticity.

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