
Latest software development projects

 min read
April 13, 2021
 min read
April 13, 2021
Latest software development projects
 min read
April 13, 2021

Custom software products are our passion! In this blog post, we are going to share some software development projects with you that we have launched recently. We will provide an overview of software products made by Axon’s dedicated development teams on behalf of our clients. Stay put!  

Project: Hydromesh

Solution type: Building Energy Management System

Business domain: Energy

Hydromesh is a smart-grid solution that integrates a long-term storage of energy in the form of hydrogen, a CHP system and advanced AI with machine learning to predict the optimal use of locally generated energy from renewables to allow the users to become in best case scenario energy prosumers.

The client enlisted us to develop a web solution that will receive information from specific devices and highlight their indicators on the dashboards.

Axon’s team developed an all-in-one web solution that includes data about electricity consumption, current system usage, and the weather forecast. Solution has the following dashboards: 

  • “Weather”
  • “This year you saved”
  • “Current usage”
Hydromesh: Building Energy Management System

Technology stack utilized by our engineers includes:

Front-end: TypeScript, React, Jest, React Testing Library

Learn more about the Hydromesh case

How to manage software projects effectively?

Project: Lectera

Solution type: Ed-Tech Platform

Business domain: Education

Lectera is a cutting-edge educational platform. By learning with Lectera people can develop their skills in business, financial literacy, digital marketing and much more.

Lectera is represented by several sections among which are:

  • Education section
  • Affiliate program 
  • Magazine

On behalf of the client, our team has developed an educational part of the platform. Axon’s professionals have brought to life the following features and functionalities:

  • Courses and Magacources
  • Сonstant updating of courses and ability to take courses in different languages
  • Content Managers
  • Video streaming
Lectera: Ed-Tech Platform

Technology stack utilized for platform development:

  • Front-end: TypeScirpt, React, Redux
  • Back-end: Java 11, Spring, ActiveMQ, PostgreSQL, Docker, Amazon S3, Elasticsearch

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Project: Axterior

Solution type: SaaS Recruitment Platform 

Business domain: Human Resources and Recruitment 

Axterior is a recruitment SaaS platform that allows companies and individuals to source, manage and hire best talents with less time and effort, grow their talent pools, and improve their ROI on recruitment.

Axon software engineers have worked on a web application that provides recruiters the ability to carry out their duties without hindrances. Here are some features that have allowed us to solve the previously mentioned challenges:

  1. Axterior’s CRM features provide easy management of all interactions with candidates.
  2. The well-structured database allows finding relevant candidates in a few minutes by filtering them by selected criteria.
  3. Convenient UI provides quick navigation within the system’s functions, for example, uploading candidates’ portfolios from LinkedIn instead of filling them manually.
  4. Customized workflows that are created for your company’s processes, help to track all hiring stages and stay up to date about the vacancy status.
  5. And many more features that will increase recruitment team productivity.
Axterior: SaaS Recruitment Platform 

Technology stack:

  • Front-end: JavaScript, React, Redux
  • Back-end: MongoDB, Java 8, Spring Boot, RabbitMQ, AWS, Docker

Learn more about the Axterior case. 

Project: Ooga

Solution type: Online Banking Solution

Business domain: Finance & Banking 

Ooga is an all-in-one application that provides management of many financial things including making payments and collecting money. The client’s idea was to create an online banking system that would manage every financial issue for businesses and individuals.

The process of solution development for Ooga started from the business analysis. At this stage, our Business Analyst studied the client’s requirements, researched the market for analog solutions and explored the needs of potential users. It allowed us to get a complete view of the future product and its functionalities.

The next stage involved the development of the web application by our development team. On behalf of the client we have created a web application “Ooga” which includes abilities for businesses and individuals.

Ooga: Online Banking Solution

Technology Stack:

  • For the server-side: JavaScript, Node.JS, and Loopback
  • Front-End:  React.js and TypeScript
  • Database: MongoDB and DynamoDB
  • Applications deployed on AWS (Cognito, DynamoDB, MQTT), Firebase Cloud Messaging, ICount, Twilio

Learn more about the Ooga case

Thanks for reading this blog post. In our next publication, we will share with you how to manage software development projects effectively.

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